FES Services offer a wide range of services for the Dental Market: Other FES Products for the Dental Market
To find out more please e-mail us at: customerservices@fusionenterprisesolutions.com |
FES Web Designing and Web Hosting |
The Internet and the Intranet are a part of a fast growing multi-million pound industry. Those using this technology are making business growths and profits fast, no one is certain when and if the Internet will burst, but what is currently known by all within the Industry, is that the Internet and Intranet are radically altering the way we live and will continue to do so in this millennium. What is uncertain is the extent of the changes on the social habits in the modern world and the level of change the Internet and Intranet have on the business community. One of the greatest impacts that this technology has on society is that more and more people are using this technology to locate information- e.g dental practices in their local area, "Whats On", and transport facilities- instead of using paper- based information. FES Services recognises that the Web is an integral part of Dental business and, as such, provides Web Desiging and Web Hosting facilities. FES provides professionally tailored Web Pages that will reach a wider client base. Besides designing your Web Page,FES Services can host and maintain the site for you. If you are interested in making your practice part of this fast growing industry then contact us at: |
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IT Consultancy for you Practice |
80% of all IT investments are:
WHY IS THIS? Most software vendors tend to be good at providing software but their competence in business is non-existent. By failing to understand your business environment, your investments in IT can seriously erode gains you might have made over the years. Only experience and sound management practice will address your needs and enhance your competitiveness. WHAT CAN FES SERVICES OFFER YOUR PRACTICE? What we at FES Services provide is an efficient reliable and professional approach to how IT can assist the development of your business and investments in technology. We combine our knowledge, skills and experience in IT, project management and business development to assist your practice to compete in a highly competitive market. We can address your needs in:
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Implementation |
For all your hardware needs contact us at: fesservices@fusionenterprisesolutions.com |
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FES EDIFACT to XML Converter (FXC) |
As part of the NHS (UK) modernisation programme, the DPB encourages the use of modern transmission processes. Dentists are able to submit their claim data using web technology over the Internet or a compatible IP service. As part of FES Dental's quality system, web transmission is not only possible, but fast and easy to use. It uses the FES Web FXC Converter.
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FES Dental Lite |
This product is a lite version of FES Dental -our Clinical & Business Management (CBM) System. FES Dental Lite offers the following: a) Easy-to-use Claim Form and data entry procedures b) Easy-to-use Basic Account Procedures c) Patient Medical History d) Examination Checks e) Patient Notes f) Patient Record Card g) Full Treatment History h) Claim transmission i) Easy-to-install procedures i.e. Shrink Wrap j) Printed, quick installation user guide k) Electronic Documentation (manual) via CD-ROM l) User-forum and Knowledge-base via FES website m) Option of easy upgrade to our FES Dental product |
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